Sports Injuries

The aim of Osteopathic treatment with sporting injuries is to assist return to sport as soon as it’s fit and safe to do so, free from pain and with full mobility.


Your Osteopath can help prevent and treat sporting injuries, such as:

  • neck and back strains

  • shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries

  • hip and pelvic injuries such as osteitis pubis

  • knee, leg and ankle injuries


Reduced joint or muscle flexibility will affect your performance and may result in injury. If you do become injured, your Osteopath is highly trained to facilitate a return to optimal function and prevent compensatory strains from occurring through treatment and rehabilitation exercises. This will minimise re-injury and allow a quicker return to physical activity.

Osteopathic treatment involves safe, gentle and effective manual techniques, including soft tissue stretching, mobilisation, inhibition and gentle manipulation. These techniques assist in improving elasticity, strength, endurance, mobility and performance.


Sport, children and osteopathy

Children need to grow with optimal mobility, strength and balance. Sport and exercise can place exceptional demands on their bodies. Children should be cared for by Osteopaths who are fully aware of the needs of young growing bodies.

Children do not need treatment for every minor bump and bruise, but occasionally a child has a particularly nasty fall where perhaps they are stunned or badly shocked. After the fall parents may notice a change in the child’s demeanour, or a change in their sleep pattern or the child may succumb to an infective illness. 

Before treating your child, the Osteopath will take a thorough case history and perform a comprehensive physical examination. They will refer to other health care professionals if necessary. The Osteopath can provide nutritional advice along with strategies, exercises and routines to help your child avoid further injury and stay healthy, happy and active.